Political Studies
Тhe research aims to evaluate the social contracts at local, regional, national, and transnational levels and to develop and support a more democratic, inclusive, and open social contract model.

Social contexts
The initiative is implemented within the framework of the Rights and Values project and is funded by the European Union and the Open Society Institute - Sofia Foundation (OSI).
Global Affairs
The Transatlantic Periscope is an interactive, multimedia tool that brings together expert commentary, high-quality media coverage, official policy documents, quantitative data, social media posts, and gray literature.
Memorial Lectures Dju
Julia Gourkovska - Dju sailed around the world, discovered the adventure in politics and moored at the Centre for Liberal Strategies to teach us curiosity towards the world. The Memorial Lectures Dju are our attempt to find topics and people that she would find interesting. Dju continues to inspire us...
Rule of Law
Internet portal that allows us, the citizens, to follow the work of the parliament more easily by collecting data from the official website of the Bulgarian Parliament from 2009 to 2021 and presenting them in an understandable and accessible for use and search by citizens form.
Political Studies
The project analyzes the types, causes and consequences of the proliferation and growing success of parties and movements, often described as "populist".

European Council on Foreign Relations
The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is an international think-tank that aims to conduct independent research on European foreign and security policy and to provide a space for decision-makers, activists and influencers to share ideas. ECFR has offices in Brussels, Berlin, Warsaw, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Washington DC.

In Memoriam
Antoinette Primatarova
We lost our Tony.
For over two decades we shared joy and concerns on Bulgaria's EU integration, relied on her diplomacy and finesse, discovered the beauty of language, the charm of modern art and the fragile aesthetics of the glass.
We miss her dearly.

Centre for Liberal Strategies

Established in 1994 as an independent non-governmental organization. The Centre conducts research focused on public policy proposals, helps streamline public debate, is committed to supporting civic participation and building an active civil society.

Here we share all our analyses, research results, expert reports, interviews, articles and books.

The strategic areas in which we invest efforts - political analysis, economic perspectives, social contexts, the rule of law, global highlights and the EU. The European Council on Foreign Relations is a CLS program, part of the pan-European think tank ECFR.

Seminars, conferences, debates, lectures… and, of course, DJU Memorial Lectures. In short, everything we would be happy to participate in…

CLS brings together experts in the fields of economics, political science, foreign policy, sociology, oriented to the formulation of knowledge-based public policies.

The partner network we have created extends from Bulgaria through the Balkans and Europe to Russia and the United States. CLS maintains its independence by diversifying its sources of funding.

Here we collect quick reactions to current issues.

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